Cardio Exercise Videos
Regular cardiorespiratory exercise sessions of at least 10 minutes in length can help you strengthen your heart, maintain independence and prevent chronic disease as you age. Source: Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
Chair-based pilates
This pilates-inspired workout video is suitable for people who have difficulty getting down on the floor and prefer the support of a chair. Some exercises are solely chair-based which is suitable for people unable to stand. Source: National Health Service
Diabetes Kickstart Self-Care Steps and Management Tips: Being Active
Being active is one of the best tools for managing diabetes every day. But you don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Being active means moving your body more and sitting less. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Exercise & activity
Almost everyone, whether or not they have diabetes, benefits from regular exercise. Source: Diabetes Canada
Exercise and Menopause
Regular exercise may not eliminate all menopausal symptoms but it will help with coping with symptoms and reduce the risk of developing serious diseases that become more common after menopause. Source: CASEM ACMSE
Exercise for Arthritis
Exercise can help reduce the symptoms of arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. Gentle exercises such as warm water exercise and tai chi can be particularly helpful. Source: Musculoskeletal Australia
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