Exercising with Cystic Fibrosis
Regular exercise will help to improve your overall health and ability to enjoy the activities of daily living. Exercise has been shown to improve your aerobic capacity, that is, your ability to stay active for longer. Source: Exercise Works
Exercising with Dementia
Exercise helps to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Improvement in your general health and wellbeing is important as it helps maintain your ability to perform and take pleasure in the activities of daily living. Source: Exercise Works
Exercising with dizziness and balance disorders
Regular exercise is important for improving balance, coordination and strength, increasing activity levels and reducing the risk of falls, fractures and injury that can result from dizziness and balance disorders. Source: Exercise Works
Exercising with Eczema
Regular exercise helps improve your immune system, reduces stress, improves depression and anxiety and improves your overall health. Source: Exercise Works
Exercising with Epilepsy
Regular exercise benefits people with epilepsy because it often reduces seizure frequency, relieves depression, reduces social isolation, and promotes heart and overall health. Source: Exercise Works
Exercising with Fibromyalgia
Regular exercise, such as walking, together with simple strength and stretch exercises such as tai chi are effective at improving your physical, emotional and social function and key symptoms such as pain, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Source: Exercise Works
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